Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Pearls of wisdom

No, I don't feel like dancing when the old Joanna plays.

Life imitates art imitates life.

Corn chex get really soggy in milk almost immediately. It's definitely one of those snarfing cereals.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Bad Poetry

I'm slowly finishing up my English major, and one of the final requirements I'm fulfilling is a cretive poetry class. We don't really look at much traditional poetry (you know, Shakespeare, Frost, Spenser, etc.) Instead we focus on modern poetry, which in many ways is exactly the same as prose, except you get to ignore the laws of punctuation and you can divide the lines any way you want, usually at random. In spite of this poetry being pretty weird, and sometimes not very good, it's interesting to see the different types of poems that the other students come up with. Some of it has been surprisingly good. Poetry tends to get people to bare their inner thoughts, and I now know more inner thoughts about mothers and significant others than I ever wanted to. Still, it's nice to let loose and sort of write whatever the hell I feel like, and not have to worry about plot or character or anything. As you can imagine, what I write is pretty crappy, but at least I enjoy writing it.

Don't worry, I wont post any of it. You guys have much better things to do than read bad poetry. But I will say, even non-rhyming, free flow, touchy-feely poetry has its good side. Who knew?

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Let's Give It A Shot

I'm not gonna lie, I've tried to keep up with blogs before. I always start them (with the best intentions of course) and post religiously for about a week. Then it degenerates quickly, and eventually I'm only posting when I'm very upset about something. But this time will be different, I have high hopes. Even if it's brief, and relatively meaningless, it would be nice to start something and stick with it.

As for the name, I am neither a pothead nor an alcoholic. Bud is my nickname, even though I'm a girl. And this Bud's for you.