Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Crazy jetsetting

I feel like I haven't stopped moving around since Christmas. I went from the cabin to San Luis Obispo to home, back up to the bay area, then to New Orleans, then back to Sunnyvale. On top of that, I also leave for Orlando the day after tomorrow. Talk about craziness.

Over the break, the following things happened:

Had Christmas
Got fun presents (like a camera)
Was a bridesmaid at a wedding
Spent New Years Eve working (grrr...)
Watched a championship college football game
Ate my first Muffaletta
Received a drunken compliment (insult?) on my badonkadonk
Battled stomach issues
Tried not to worry too much about the future

On the whole, sort of an interesting balance of good and bad. But really, I've been having a great time, and I can't wait for Orlando.