Thursday, December 6, 2007


It finally started snowing up here! And I can't even begin to describe how happy that makes me. I don't know how long it will last, or if it will even stick for long, but it is beautiful and peaceful, and makes me feel that everything is going to turn out just fine.

It also seems like a good time to say a few things about my Grandfather. Papa passed away a few months ago after a battle with cancer. It was one of the hardest things my family and I have ever been through. He was such a wonderful man, and he cared so much about his family and friends.

This cabin was one of his favorite places. Almost every year the family would spend either Thanksgiving or Christmas up here, all together. We'd drive up the steep (usually icy) driveway and he'd be at the top, chopping wood or clearing the driveway for us. I have so many warm family memories at this cabin, and the snow only makes me think about them even more.

My family's getting by, although I still worry about Pitza, my grandmother. I know she'll be OK, she's an incredibly strong woman, but I also know the holidays will be hard for her.

Still, I think the healing has begun a little for me. When I walk outside in the forest, or when I cook scrambled eggs in the morning, or when I look out the window at the snow, I feel happy and connected to him. This was his place, and I feel happy here.

I'm going to go now, and walk in the snow, and just enjoy being.

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