Monday, December 17, 2007

Damn it feels good to be a gangsta

Cole and I finished rough drafts of two scripts today, our pilot and a spec script for Pushing Daisies. These projects both still require a TON of work, but it's really satisfying to at least have a rough draft done. We've had good days and bad days, but now, no matter what happens, we'll have something to show for our time up here.

I'm still trying to decide whether or not to post any of our writing up here. At this point, it's probably still too rough, but maybe in the future. It would be nice to get some feedback.

But yeah. Cole and I are ballers. Or is it Ballahs? I should really stop trying to type like this, it's definitely not my forte...

1 comment:

GSofficial said...

Copyright begins basically as soon as you put your name on something you wrote, so no risks.